
The update of Cakewalk Pro Audio.

The update of register of Windows.

Don't do it if you don't understand something. Ask technical support of Cakewalk.

  1. Set font A and B in Lyrics view of Cakewalk Pro Audio.
  2. Change anything in Staff veiw.
  3. Close Cakewalk.
  4. Run Regedit and open (for v.8.0)
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk Pro Audio\8.0\Lyrics view
  5. Change Font1Name and Font2Name to Arial Cyr (from Arial) or Times New Roman Cyr (from Times New Roman).
  6. Run Regedit and open (for v.8.0)
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk Pro Audio\8.0\Staff View
  7. Change FontDescLyric to Arial Cyr (or Times New Roman Cyr); don't change figures.
  8. Run Cakewalk.
You must repeat steps 3-5,8 (3, 6-8) with deleting Cyr for new fix up lyrics view ol play singls with other languages. Or you can change other lyrics parametrs direct in registr.